Friday, January 23, 2009

Hair Styles

This was Ellee's first time wearing her hair in a pony tail and pig tails! It barely fits, but I think it's so cute! She sure looks older with her hair like that. I have never cut her hair and I'm growing out her bangs. This is about 21 months worth of growth. It's sure taking awhile!

Shawn said this is why I really needed a be girly with. She doesn't get it yet. I had to chase her around to fix her hair....let the new battle begin!
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Mama Bee said...

Baby Bee's hair was identical to Ellee's today! I totally thought the same thing, "OMG, she looks so OLD!!" Where did our little babies go?!

LDraper said...

I remember having these "conversations" with Reagan at that age too.... while I'm chasing her trying to pin her down for pigtails.... "don't you realize that this is what we are SUPPOSED TO DO?!"

She's so stinkin' cute, by the way.

Kenny, Shannah, Kenny Jr and Adrienne said...

Your kids are is so funny because I see so much of my two in them. They are the identical ages!! Fun times!

Jo Dee said...

Lucy is such a twerp when in comes to her hair. Piggy's were soooo cute on her...for 30 seconds. I finally gave up and chopped her hair into her current wedge do.