Saturday, August 30, 2008


This was our first time camping together as a Family! We all headed down to the Shelton area, where my parents bought property with their neighbors. We went down to finally celebrate my Dad's retirement! OH....he also turned 60 last week! So we had a double celebration! My sisters and our families all surprised him by not just showing up, but camping as well! We had a great time!

I asked Jackson what his favorite part of camping was and he said, "the tent"! He and his cousin Sophia had a blast jumping around and playing in the tents. Jackson also says he's a "camper."

He was a good little camper. Up bright and early.....I think 5:30! Ellee really enjoyed her independence as well, she wanted to be down the entire time to walk around and get REALLY DIRTY!

This is my Dad's Best Friend, Owen, from where else?........ WSU!

I managed for a short time to get Ellee to hang out in the ERGO. If she is not sleepy or I'm not moving too much, she can usually handle up to about 5 minutes! She's too busy to be confined!

Papa blowing out his candles

Jackson was even lucky enough to go on a tractor ride while camping. My parents neighbor, Warren Bayard, took him out for a little ride.

Jackson was really proud of himself!

Our other little "camper!"


Ellee was so proud that she could get in the chairs by herself!

We survived camping!

We will for sure do this again!

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jackson's past week

Jackson has been talking about squirt guns all summer and finally got two. He wanted one for himself and one for Daddy-O. This was their first water fight. I'm not sure who had more fun! Jackson couldn't stop laughing....I absolutely LOVE his laugh!

This past week I took Jackson to a little "carnival" at Pioneer Park. He went to most of the stations and really liked getting the prizes.

Jackson made a candy necklace....I don't think he knew it was candy until after he was done and I had him put one in his mouth. Oh, did he like it!

Look at that concentration!!!!

Jackson's buddy, Crue Erickson, came and stayed with us for a night. It's funny how a few months in age can seem so far apart when they're babies. Jackson and Crue are 6 months apart and you would never know it now. We don't see the Erickson's that often, but these boys picked up like they hang out everyday!

They were so cute, but Leah and I need to watch out!

Jackson ended his week with a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa McGowan's with his cousin Marin. What a lucky boy!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Point Defiance with The McGowan Cousins

Thomas & Jackson

Jackson, Marin & Thomas


The shark is what Jackson really wanted to see at the zoo this time.

Marin, Jackson, Thomas and Ellee

We had a fun, HOT day at the zoo together!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Katie and Brandon's Wedding

Shawn's sister, Katie, got married this past weekend. Everything was beautiful! We had such a great time! Welcome to the Fam Brandon!

Shawn was a groomsmen and Jackson was a ring bear. Ellee and I just wanted to match the wedding colors....Pink & Brown!

Congratulations Auntie Katie and Uncle Brandon. We Love You!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Faith ~ Hope ~ Love ~ Courage ~ Strength

Shawn's Mom, Jill, finished chemo today!!!! HOORAY!!!!!
We are so proud of her courage and strength these past 8 months. Her daughter, Katie, got married this past weekend as well, so she has been busy!

Congratulations Grandma! We Love You!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Cousins Part III

Slip-n-Slide Fun!

My Cousin Jayson with Jackson

Jackson getting pushed by Caleb

Parker & Jackson

Surfing? Nice move Jackson!

I even went....on my knees though! Fun!

The Proof!

Sun-Bathing Sophia!

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Look What I Can Do Now!!!!!

Ellee has been walking a little bit here and there for a while now, but really got the hang of it this past weekend! She is now quicker and quieter on the move! This is what I wanted right?

Friday, August 01, 2008

Cousins Part II

Full on preschool!

Breyden Felber's 2nd Birthday Party!

John giving Jeremy a kiss! Ellee blowing kisses to Ella!

The kids had the best hands-on science lessons!

Spider Crab (Yuck!) The starfish were amazing! No fear here!

Our little Marine Biologists!

These were all live crabs my cousin Jayson brought up to shore for the kids to look at!

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