Monday, June 20, 2011

Little League Awards BBQ

Jackson's Little League Team, Thunder, had their awards BBQ at our neighborhood ball field. It was a perfect way to end the season. BBQ, Baseball and Buddies, doesn't really get any better than that, especially for my little 6 year old boy!  

Daddy-O helped Coach and did an amazing job with the kids. I reminded him ALOT at the beginning of the season that...."most of the kids are Kindergartners"...need I say more?
Jackson accepting his 2nd PLACE TROPHIES and giving the coaches a high-five.
Jackson made great gains this season in fielding and batting and really enjoys playing. Look at that smile...His first trophy! He wants it displayed on the kitchen counter right now, so when people come over they can admire it see it! I am excited to see him play next year again!
We are so proud of you, Jackson! 
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1 comment:

Nasinec Family said...

Way to go Buddy! Can't wait for football!