Sunday, March 02, 2008

Boys and Girls I wanted to find out if anyone else thought this was interesting. Jackson has been categorizing boys and girls in unique ways. When I ask him what his favorite color is, he says blue and then he tells me that my favorite color is pink. I will then continue to ask him what other people's favorite colors are. No matter what, any boy I mention he says their favorite color is blue and pink for girls. The other way he categorizes boys and girls is by saying that boys are awesome and girls are cute. So if I ask him are you cute or awesome, he will respond by saying, "I awesome." If I ask him what is Daddy, he will say "awesome." If I ask him what about Ellee, he'll say, "Ellee's cute."

We haven't had conversations with him about boys and girls, but somehow he has distinguished between the two and likes to make generalizations.

According to Jackson: I'm cute, I like pink and this has nothing to do with this post, but he likes to tell me that I like spiders as well. But then again, if you are a girl reading this-You are cute and you like pink also! If you are a boy reading this-You are awesome and you like blue. I guess Jackson's not too far off about what we think of ourselves!

1 comment:

LDraper said...

Reagan does the same thing (I'm pretty sure Asher does too). At least the Pink/Blue thing... not so much the awesome/cute thing.

We recently told Ian he looked handsome and Reagan was a tad disappointed when we told her she was beautiful. She wanted to be handsome too.