Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Great Dentist Visit.....Really!

Jackson & Ellee's dentist visit was a success!

I knew Jackson would be great (he's been fine every visit....knock on wood)

Ellee was FANTASTIC!

Both kids were done before I was even finished filling out all of Ellee's paperwork for being a first time patient.

Literally climbing into the chair. She didn't want to wait for me to help her. (I'm still filling out the paperwork)

She's even smiling for me!

What a good little patient!
Now if we could just work on some things at home :)
ex. climbing out of the crib, getting into my make-up and lotions, yelling "NOOOOOO" and pointing her finger at me and throwing herself on the floor while having a tantrum we'll be good to go!
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Nasinec Family said...

Yay! Did they love the merry-go-round?

Riccobenes... said...

So funny! I love the list of things to work on at home! (sound familiar) You are doing WAY better with the teeth thing than us! Dom did great at the dentist, but sadly has a huge cavity. We have to go back:( Hopefully he will continue to be agreeable even with the cavity procedure.