Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I've got my eye on you!

Meet JESS our Christmas elf. If you don't know about the Elf on The Shelf Christmas tradition... JESS was sent to our Family by Santa to make sure Jackson and Ellee behave. He returns to Santa each night and gives him an update on whether they have been "naughty" or "nice." Then returns to our house, finds a new spot and watches the next day.

This morning I told Jackson he needed to hurry and finish his breakfast because JESS was watching and we needed to get to preschool. He told me he's not looking at me his eyes are looking the other way. Little stinker, he was right! Shoot!

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The Cypher Family :) said...

Im not sure Kennedy believes our either but what the heck it is a fun tradition to start right? I LOVE THE NAME JESS! Don't you hate when they are right? It happens a lot around our house :)

Nasinec Family said...

I need one of those! Especially lately!!!!!!!

Riccobenes... said...

Hilarious! How come they are so smart???