Friday, September 12, 2008

The Real First Day of Preschool (Sept. 9th)

Mrs. Papen ~ Jackson's Preschool Teacher
This was right when Jackson walked into his classroom.
When I picked Jackskon up that day, I asked him to say goodbye to his teacher and he gave her a hug! So cute!

Can you guess what Jackson's favorite part of Preschool was?


The purple Buzz Light Year with wings! (That's how he says it)


The Brown Family said...

What a big boy you are Jackson!

LDraper said...

You're growing up too fast.

Stop. Now.

Rachel, Jamin, Kara, Jace and Bryce said...

Preschool! Yikes - another baby off to school. Time flies by and they keep growing up so fast. How did you and Sean do? Do you just love your preschool? I can't wait to catch up with you. Call me.

Nasinec Family said...

Was it a hard day for you? He is so cute! We need him to come over soon and play with our buzz and woody! (The toys of course.)