Monday, September 06, 2010

Kid Quarters!

My Handy Man Husband has been working hard lately!

I was going to wait and post about this project when it was completely finished, but I couldn't wait!

It's hard to tell what he is building here........

.......and here.

Now it's starting to look more like something. Shawn and his amazing Dad working on the first floor.......

With skills like he's aquired, my honey-do-list just keeps growing!

Jackson getting in on the action and helping out!

Hmmmm????......can you see an opening for a window and possibly a door?
The kids are very excited for this project to be finished! Do you know what it is yet?

This is not just a is also the 2nd floor!The railings are going up!My Boys!

This is
Kid Quarters....aka a playhouse! The kids are so excited!
Great work so far Daddy-O

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