Saturday, May 03, 2008

1st Soccer Practice

I think I am officially a "Soccer Mom" now! (no mini-van though)

This was Jackson's first and only practice before his games begin. He had alot of fun. He had to stand in a line and wait for his turn to try to kick the ball in the goal. He finally got the hang of waiting in line and waiting his turn towards the end. He kept going to the front of the line for more turns. I was on the side yelling, "whose kid is that anyways?"

While practicing, anytime he kicked the ball he would run over to me and say, "I did it, I kicked the ball way, way high!" I would then have to remind him to go get back in line to practice. The games are going to be interesting!

Good form!

Waiting his turn!

Jackson's Coach

Scrimmage (AKA: Chase the ball)

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He even got to be the goalie for awhile. Shawn and I worked with him and told him you can't use your hands in soccer....oops! He was a quick learner and even had a couple saves!

The Firedragons


LDraper said...

Go Jackson!!!

But... Sara... are you saying there's something wrong with a mini-van?? Back off my mini-van.

(hee hee)

Rachel, Jamin, Kara, Jace and Bryce said...

I am so glad you got him into looks like the Sumner league? He is going to have a blast. I will definitely be signing Kara up in the Fall again. Hope to see you guys soon.