Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chalkboard Redo

I found this beauty at goodwill and thought it would make a great chalkboard for Ellee and Jackson's playhouse...aka-Kidquarters! It use to be one of those things that held a calendar.

A few coats of aqua blue spray paint, chalkboard spray paint and heirloom white spray paint for the knobs and I was done!

I glued the little wooden knobs on with E6000. They are for decorative purposes and maybe to hold an eraser of some sort. Oh and I used walnut stain distress ink over my sanded edges.

Here's right before I put the chalkboard piece back in.

The chalkboard hanging in Kidquarters!

Miss Ellee ready to get to work. She was so excited!

She drew a face on it for the picture!

Daddy-O has to make some changes to Kidquarters....no more upstairs:( We need a peaked roof with all this darn rain we get! Hopefully this project will be checked off the list this summer. (It started last August)

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Miss Ellee

This little munchkin loves to dress up! It always makes me laugh when I see what she comes out in.

Preschool finger painting

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Sunday, May 08, 2011

Princess Birthday Party

Ellee went to a princess birthday party for one of her friends and had a blast being a princess and most of all dancing!

Each princess had a turn to get up in front of everyone and show off their moves. No hesitation out of this one!

The Princesses enjoying a Tea Party

Dancing in the dance studio

Learning to sit like a lady.

and dancing again in front of everyone!

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Happy Mother's Day!

I received some really special gifts for Mother's Day this year. Jackson did a great job keeping everything a surprise!

Jackson drew a picture of me at school and when I was there for a Mother's Day Tea, I had to guess which one was me (in 3 guesses).

I found this beauty on my 1st guess!

Ellee gave me this card and a cupcake she decorated at preschool.

It's always the little things that mean the most.


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Friday, May 06, 2011

Kinder"garden" Mother's Day Program

This was such a sweet performance the Kindergartners put on for their Moms and other family members.

Jackson told me he wanted to wear a tie, he said his teacher told them to dress-up. Glad to know he's still following directions! He looked very handsome and was so proud to be singing for me. Notice in the picture above that something is "hiding" behind his tie. Each of the kids made their moms a butterfly necklace. It was a total suprise for me, Jackson hadn't mentioned a thing. They each got to come down to find their moms and give it to them. Jackson took his off and put it around my neck and gave me a hug and a kiss......instant tears obviously. My mind flashfowarded to highschool graduation for a split second in that moment. It's good to have the reminders to slow down and enjoy every.single.moment.with your kiddos.

They sang some really cute songs and even did a little dance.


Jackson and his Kindergarten Teacher, Mrs. Shore. She is a Fantastic Teacher!

Proud Sister and Mama!

I love this boy!

We are so proud of him!

Friends from school: Katelyn & Jacob

What a sweet little guy I have!

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Monday, May 02, 2011