Friday, May 21, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

I got the best gift of all from little guy for Mother's Day....A Bird House colored by him and a cupcake surprise in the box! He was so excited to give them to me! (I think he secretly just wanted to "share" the cupcake he made for me).

Most of all, I just LOVE being called Mommy!

We celebrated the whole weekend and had my Mommy and extended Family over Friday night for a BBQ and headed up to Kirkland to Shawn's Parents with extended Family Saturday for a BBQ. This then opened up Sunday (actual Mother's Day) to do whatever I pleased!

I chose for Shawn to start working on oars that were my Grandfather's (Poppie) that we will eventually hang in our Familyroom. I have the best husband in the world that is willing to take on all of my projects and ideas. Thanks for a great Mom's Day Shawner...I Love You!

I will post more on this project that I am so excited about!
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1 comment:

Riccobenes... said...

CAn't wait to see the final project! What a great idea and meaningful too! I love being called Mommy too:)