Thursday, February 11, 2010


Here are both kiddos working very hard on their Valentines. Jackson brought his to school and passed them out to everyone in his class. Ellee just has a stash for herself. I have yet to see her give one out.

Jackson wrote his name on all 18 of his Valentines. Way to go buddy! J a c k s o n has alot of letters for a 4 year old to write....This was a 2 day process. Name writing- Day 1. Stickers -Day 2.

Jackson's Valentine Mail Truck from school. There was quite the loot in here! With all the candy one might have thought it was Halloween!

Jackson made this Valentine at school for his Family!
What a Sweet Boy!
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1 comment:

Riccobenes... said...

Our boys both have those long names, but Dominic got off lucky with being able to write Dom! I'd like to know where Ellee is keeping her "stash!" That girl cracks me up!