Friday, February 12, 2010

Clifford Valentine Party

To start off our Valentine Celebration we needed decorations, so earlier in the week the kids did a painting heart symmetry project. I also asked each of them what love was and typed up their responses to glue on their hearts! Very interesting and cute responses!
We also made Clifford bags to hold all the Valentine's they each would be receiving!
There is a dog bone in Clifford's mouth with each of the student's name on it.

The kids had a blast and were so cute dressed up as Clifford!
Each of the Parents that volunteered had a group of 3 to 4 students. The Parents read a Clifford Book to their group, did a Clifford writing project, played a Reading Memory Game and helped all the little Cliffords get their "puppy chow" (cocoa puffs). This couldn't have happened without the help of my Parent Volunteers!

Cute Little Cliffords!
What a Great Day!
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Thursday, February 11, 2010


Here are both kiddos working very hard on their Valentines. Jackson brought his to school and passed them out to everyone in his class. Ellee just has a stash for herself. I have yet to see her give one out.

Jackson wrote his name on all 18 of his Valentines. Way to go buddy! J a c k s o n has alot of letters for a 4 year old to write....This was a 2 day process. Name writing- Day 1. Stickers -Day 2.

Jackson's Valentine Mail Truck from school. There was quite the loot in here! With all the candy one might have thought it was Halloween!

Jackson made this Valentine at school for his Family!
What a Sweet Boy!
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Ellee at Dinner Time

Here is what dinner looked like one day! Hmmmmmm?.....

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Jackson's Art

Here are some of Jackson's latest masterpieces he made at school that we are enjoying at home......

Groundhog Day Art

Snowman....looks like he was working on painting and gluing!

Astronaut Jackson!
They have been learning about Space in his Preschool Class
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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

VIP....That's Jackson!

VIP Poster for School

Jackson was the Very Important Person at Preschool! He invited me, Daddy-0, Ellee & Rylee (our dog) to come into his class with him. I really enjoyed watching him lead calendar time and interact with his friends. I LOVE being on the Parent end! I am so Thankful that I am not missing out on days important to my kids!

Here he is writing his name on the white board.

Look who snuck in the back row.....She can't wait to go to Preschool next year!

You are a very special boy Jackson and a VIP!


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Bed Time!

Here we go again!
Seriously....How does she do this?
I think I'm going to try to figure out the poll thing on blogger and take a poll about whether the two readers I have think it's just Ellee or a parenting thing! :)

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Good Times with Good Friends

Our Good Friends from Ellensburg came to visit for the weekend! We all had a Fabulous time!

Rebecca, me, Leah & Autumn

Brady, Shawn, Brad & Eric

The boys surprised us with a Limo for a night out on the Town!

Very Sweet!

What a great, fun way to start the night. Actually the girls night started with Autumn doing all of our make-up! She is so amazingly talented and sweet! I absolutely LOVE all these girls! I have been friends with Becs since Junior High, Leah since Highschool, Shannon since College, Gina since she moved back to Puyallup about 2 and a half years ago from Ellensburg and Autumn for about a year now! (Acutually, it's quite surprising I didn't know Autumn years ago-We have many mutual friends).

We went to dinner at Maxwell's in Tacoma and then a Kareoke Bar not to far from there. We pretty much took over both places!


What a Great Weekend!
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Ellee's Classes

Ellee started a Tippy Toes Dance Class and Swimming Lessons with Daddy-O at the Y.

She is really enjoying herself. She made a friend the first day of "Dance School!"

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