Tuesday, June 09, 2009

End of Year Program

Jackson's 1st day of Preschool

Look at me now.

Waving to Proud Mommy and Daddy

Proud Sister
....and no she didn't go up on stage....phew! This time I had many back-ups to distract her:) Thank You!
Preschool CertificateCelebrating after at the ice cream social

The preschool teachers made each student a preschool memory book. It brought me to tears looking through this book seeing all the things he did in preschool this year. Some of the things I didn't even know he did. I am very Thankful for this book and all the wonderful memories that our baby and we have of his 1st year of preschool. From "bike day" to "VIP day" I know there are many more to come! Jackson will be at the same preschool next year in the 4/5 year old class. He keeps thinking he's going to the next class now. He obviously doesn't get the concept of "summer vacation" yet.
What a great year!
Congratulations Jackson!!!!!! We Love You!

Our kiddos are growing so fast! At times, I just want to freeze the moment....it's going by so quickly!
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Riccobenes... said...

How fun! I love that they made a book for you-how nice! Jackson was so cute in the pictures!

Rachel, Jamin, Kara, Jace and Bryce said...

Congrats, Jackson! Time does fly by, isn't it great that you actually get to enjoy it.