Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday, Jackson!

Somebody is turning 7......

Jackson woke up to balloons hanging outside his door. It was such a fun surprise for him to start his special day!

I forgot to take pictures of the cake pancakes I made for him, Ellee and the Finnegan neighbor boys who came over for breakfast. Jackson's Birthday always falls during spring break, so we can have all kinds of fun!

We have had this tradition to take the kids to Toys 'r us and let them pick out a toy (usually a $5-$10 toy). Well this year was a little different....

Jackson showed Daddy-O what Skylanders for the wii were. I think Shawn is just as into them now:)

We ended this special day with dinner at the Spaghetti Factory with the Diseth Crew and Auntie Erin.

I didn't even need to ask him if he had a good Birthday. This fantastic smile just says it all and melts my heart.
I am reminded day in and day out just how lucky I am to be his Mom.

You are becoming quite the young man. You are starting to become very responsible, as you have chores now....feeding Rylee, making sure she has water and making your bed every morning. I think you have a new motivation for making money (skylanders). You are so kind, thoughtful and loving to Ellee. She is also very lucky to have you as a big brother. You always think of her, especially when one of you is headed out the door to leave in the morning, you always make sure to give her a hug and a kiss.
Jackson, you really enjoy school and are doing very well. Daddy and I learned that you are very good and fast with your math facts at your first 1st grade conference. (We had no idea) We are always so very proud of you, even when your report card showed an "N" (needs improvement in the area of demonstrates self-control), You have a spunky, excitable personality that shows through at all times!
Here are a few of your "favorites" right now:
-You want to go to UW and be a Husky....You always say, "Boo Cougars!"
-The Wii
-A girl named Ashlyn in your class (you tell me that you played with her at recess)
-Anything that has to do with playing with your cousins

Your love for others, God and your Family are just a few of the things I admire about you!
You are a great kid with a great smile!
Happy 7th Birthday!
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