Tuesday, November 08, 2011

{Thankful Tree}

We are very blessed and extremely Thankful!
We are starting a new tradition at our house...a Thankful Tree. We have circle notes to write what we are thankful for on and then hang it on the tree sitting on our kitchen table. It is a constant reminder that we see and talk about everyday. It will stay until we decorate for Christmas. Everyday after Ellee says grace for dinner we talk about what we are thankful for.

It's really cute to hear Ellee and Jackson talking and filling out the papers on their own.
Ellee has a few circles on the tree with her scibbles on them. I asked her what one of them said and she told me, "God's Love." Kids have a good way of reminding us what we should really be Thankful for!

Jackson has written his own things that he is Thankful for as well....Mommy and Daddy...melts my heart!

I read a sign on a church reader board the other day that really stuck in my head and I thought I would share it.
{Live in your Harvest}
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