Saturday, April 16, 2011

Trenton Thunder

How is my Baby Boy old enough to be on a Little League Baseball Team?

Well he is and is absolutely loving it! Daddy-O is even one of the coaches.

The first couple weeks of baseball consisted of 2 days a week practice. The season kicked off with a Jamboree and this is one of the games the boys played in. Now the kids will have 2 games a week between now and the first week in June.

Jackson's first at bat!

He got a hit and made it to first base!!!!

The boys switch positions every inning and towards the end of the game Jackson asked to be catcher! How cute is he?!?!

Melts my heart!

A Trenton Thunder Groupie!

Since Jackson is in a 6/7 year old league, it's coach pitch, they keep score, can strike out and can win, lose or tie. He played baseball the last 2 summers where score wasn't kept and a kid couldn't strike out (the tee would be brought out) so we (Daddy-O) thought he was ready. After seeing him in his first game, I totally agree! He's having a blast!

oh and they won 5-0. Shawn said the kids ask if they won between every inning and he said all of their coaches respond with, "it doesn't matter, are we having fun?"

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1 comment:

Riccobenes... said...

Great pics!! Kids are so alike-asking all the time if they are winning!!! cracks me up! that and snack! love your new blogger background-so adorable! where is it from? have a fun bday party witht your kids!